Miru 1month Menicon for Astigmatism
To see, is to discover.
To see, is to be moved.
To see, is to laugh.
To see, is to question.
To see, is to understand.
To see, is to share.
From the time we open our eyes in the morning,until we close them again at night,1month Miru defined by what we see.
That is why we chose 'Miru', a Japanese verb meaning "to see"-as the global brand name for our visionary new range of contact lenses.
Together with the other products in the Miru line, 1month Miru is designed to change the way you see the world forever.
by Menicon
Anatomic profile
Lens Centration ・ Axis Stabilization ・ Easy Fitting
Maximum Transmissibility
1month Miru for Astigmatism has a prism free optic zone (OZ) and an asymmetric slab off profile that ensures maximum oxygen transmissibility to the cornea.
Transmissibility color maps from different toric design lenses (Power: -3.00 D Cyl: -1.25 D Axis: 180°)
Source: Menicon data on file
1month Miru: A balance of purity & safety